Sunday, September 6, 2009


It's interesting how many things bodies can be a reference for and how they can inspire so many different things. A photo of a woman pulling her hair up inspired the start of these three paintings....could do an infinite number of paintings inspired by the pose. Again...these are just started...


Just a few of the things I've been working on.Clearly not finished..but sometimes I like them at the different stages.Bottom one is an old painting that I decided I only liked a few parts so I applied gesso over it and created textures. (Same approach I've used with most of my abstracts. An under layer of textures that flow around the surface.)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More of the Penile Colony

Just a few more of the penile colony series.

Been working on different things...obviously the impact of light is one of them. The other, although equally obvious, is about looking at something with different eyes.