Thursday, November 26, 2009

Working with a model

It's been a long time since I worked with a nude model..but I wasn't able to find and work with the type of images I wanted. I wanted more unusual perspectives (mostly extreme angles from above or below or with extreme foreshortening)so I contacted a former student,Tom Lail, who is a art professor at HVCC. He helped put me in touch with one of his steady models. Had the photo shoot about a week ago. Got most of the poses and angles I wanted, but it was hard. My model kept dancing around trying to show me the various yoga poses he was capable of.I wasn't interested in that type of pose , but he wouldn't stop. And he wouldn't stop talking.The things I was looking for wouldn't look like the stiff and artificial things he was doing and it was hard to get him to relax into the poses I wanted so they wouldn't look like he was posing. I felt like I was in a Saturday night skit and wished I had it all on video.Picture dancing,arms swinging, doing arabesques, sitting down tied up in knots.It's a good thing I manipulate all my images.

Since I started working with a palette knife..the initial stage of a painting has gotten even faster...but then it slows down drastically.
This one had the background laid in with a palette knife, then the next layer with a brush. It's gotten alittle further along than this version..but it's slow.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More nudes

This one was recently finished--at the same time as Peaches and Cream--also done with a palette knife. Nothing too special..but a journey.
Click here: H. Wesley Wheeler :: Saatchi Online - Show your art to the world

OK..this post is about just one things. Check out Wes at Saatchi. Wes is a friend of mine..his work is suggestive of Rothko , though done in a totally different manner.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More penile Colony

This is called Peaches and Cream. It's 24 x 36"...done primarily with a knife. Maybe it's just the normal newness and delight in a new work.....but it's my favorite piece ever (at least today).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's been forever since I've updated. That's because for a two and half month period I have a life that doesn't allow for updates./Coaching, while starting the school year as a teacher does that. Coaching is over for awhile..and soon I'll upload images of all my recent work. Been focusing a lot on the Penile Colony series. Also started a new one that looks at ways we move through life and I am using water as a metaphor for life and it's challenges. the image update will clarify limit to were I can go with it and it's fun. Though I don't know if I enjoy the Penile Colony series more..we'll see. My work reflects a new influence. I have a friend named Wes Wheeler..his style is very Rothko-ish...contemporary color field work. I'll put up a link to his work soon. Anyways..he paints with palette knives. I love the textures he gets with palette knives and also the smoothness they are capable of.Since I am very interested in textures and patterns it made sense to see what would happen when I included the knife work. C'est bon!!!